Heal Our Divine Earth Foundation Creation
My Story
On February 4, 2014, I met with a loving kind intuitive spiritual guide to talk about my life path and spiritual journey. She told me, which was in alignment with other intuitive people I had spoken with that:
I need to find a path back to self-love. My current state is a major obstacle to wholeness.
I am a spiritual person, a healer. All of them see it in my eyes.
I have work to do that will benefit all mankind in awakening.
All the rest I see and feel is but an illusion and I would do well to ignore it and just move on.
My Spiritual Guide was very insistence that we go spend some time at the Crystal Palace to meditate and ask for clarity about my life’s purpose. We decided to go to the Crystal Place at 7:00 pm that evening.
The Crystal Place is a large room filled with dynamic crystals. Hanging on the entrance to the building housing the Crystal Palace is an art piece that has ancient scripture on it that has not been interpreted. She asked me what my interpretation of it was. I said I would give it to the next time we got together.
We meditated in the Crystal Place for about an hour and I had a feeling of energy and information coming with that energy but I did not upon leaving have much clarity as to what I was receiving.
We parted and I returned home. That night everything came very clear.
My interpretation of the scripture:
I am Mother Earth. I am and have been here for you. I feed you, warm you, comfort you, envelope you with all your needs. I have watched you in turmoil. I have tasted the blood spilled onto me. I have felt the despair, hate want, greed, and self-interest rise to out-weigh love, compassion, selflessness and humility. Thus far I have been able to rejuvenate and cleanse myself on a cycle more frequently than the onslaught of negative energy. That is no longer true. You are taking more than I can sustain. I am being depleted. With love, compassion, selflessness, and humility I can provide for many more people than are on the planet. I am in pain, I suffer and am dying. I plead with you to listen. Only you can change from your current path to one of love. Please help me. Mother Earth.
As I finished writing my interpretation two things happened. One Mother Earth cried to me to help her. I felt her pain shoot through me and my nose began to bleed. I answered I will help. The second thing that happened was the energy messages received from Spirit the previous night reentered my mind. It came clear that the nuclear issue at Fukushima Japan needs to be healed. It came that there would be no material solution to return Fukushima back to a natural state. This can and will only be healed by conscious people using their authentic consciousness state. The first part of this is to bring Awareness. The world must become aware of the enormous consequence of not correcting the imbalance at Fukushima. It will take the collective consciousness of millions of people in unison projecting their conscious love, healing energy, and gratitude for Mother Earth and apologies or asking for forgiveness for injuring her to correct this imbalance. The number that comes forth is one billion. The date that came forward was the fall equinox of 2014. I believe it will come when it is meant to come.
I spent 20 months or so questioning the calling and the validity of attempting to do what I had been asked to do. The calling has only gotten stronger as I connect to my authentic self and remove blockages, separations and limitations from myself. So on October 10, 2015 I shared with my professors and fellow students this calling. The overwhelming encouragement and enthusiasm I received from them was a confirmation to me to surrender fully to Spirit’s guidance to bring this to manifestation.